Do not try this at home

No, I never claimed to be a good cook. But, honestly, any idiot ought to be able to bake a potato in the microwave.


Get a load of the mess that appears when a potato explodes all over the oven! I swear I poked holes in it.

What the picture doesn't show is that the potato skin was completely empty. Every bit of the inside blew out, leaving a hard, crusty, empty shell.

It’s a good thing Chris can cook, or we’d be living on cold cereal and restaurant fare for the rest of our lives.


Helen Ginger said…
I've microwaved potatoes before and never had one do that.

Sneaky way to get the husband to cook. I'll try that. Thanks.
Jennifer said…
Huh... never had that happen either. But then again, I am super AFRAID of it happening, so my potatoes look like a voodoo doll when they enter the microwave...
It had never happened to me either!

Chris been cooking for years. When he realized that all he'd ever get to eat was cereal and spaghetti, he dived right in. Every now and then I'll branch out a bit--and something like this happens!
Dana Fredsti said…
I have overcooked potatoes in the microwave before and, like Helen, have not had one explode spectacularly like that one...

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