The Pushcart War

I was a kid growing up in Alabama. I'd never seen New York, much less streets clogged with trucks. And I had to look at the illustrations to know exactly what a pushcart was. But none of that mattered. The Pushcart War, by Jean Merrill, was one of my favorite books--and it still is. I've read it as an adult and still love the story of underdog pushcart vendors taking on the trucks--and winning--with nothing more than brains, determination and peashooters.

This is the cover I remember from my childhood.

Jean Merrill died last week at the age of 89. But she will live in my heart forever. If you're looking for a great book for yourself or your kids, give The Pushcart War a try. The book was published in 1964, but is still relevant today.

Her obit appeared in the NY Times, here.


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