Taste of Summer

Happy First Day of Summer, Y'all!

As a lifelong southerner, summer has always been a happy assault on my senses.

It smells like Coppertone sunscreen, chlorine pools, fresh-mown grass and honeysuckle. I wish I had a scratch-n-sniff app for this blog, so you could smell what I mean.

Summer feels like humidity, mosquito bites, poison ivy, the warmth of sun on my face and laziness.

It looks like green grass and kudzu, blue skies and sunburned skin sticking out of a bathing suit.

It sounds like frogs, lawn mowers, blenders making margaritas and squeals of happy children

Ahhh, but it tastes like blackberries--fresh, wild, sticker-protected goodness.


I love all the sights, smells, sounds and tastes of summer!

What sights, smells, sounds and tastes say summer to you? Go out and experience them today!


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